Sunday, March 2, 2014



I believe we all want to be Happy(- er),
we all want to rid ourselves
of the doom and gloom of the past.

Many of us are not really aware 
that there is a much easier way to live,
than the life we presently pursue …
We are so used to struggle and suffering and pain,
that it is automatic.
We need to look inside a little,
why we are so a attached to the hard times,
the Blues of Life,
with its highs and lows.

One easy way to unravel and change 
is to look at life as a play,
we are writing the screenplay
as we go and flow.
The producer directing us is 
our Higher Mind and our unseen helpers,
but we ourselves are choosing moment to moment
if we want to create a drama, 
a comedy,
action movie,
 or a feel good movie etc

What is your movie of choice for today?!?
are you watching a movie or are you living your movie?

We all seek variety in life!
That is why we stir up things from time to time
when we experience life as boring. 
We don't want to get depressed,
because we have judgement around 
that state of being.

We know people that are depressed,
they don't look good!
and they remind us about our own Blues!
All the negative thoughts,
belief systems, and emotions
that we hide inside and
refuse to deal with out of fear
are keys to the doorway to depression.
Who wants to open up that door in the go-go-go of life??

We are so unaware of our motivation
behind our choices of screen play,
so terrified of finding out 
that all is in our own heads,
the overwhelming number of 
negative believes and pictures
of how life is supposed to be.
These pictures create the harshness of life.
We "try" to live up to them even when we know 
they are not for us.

Many don't even open the door to look in,
Know that "the danger" is not in the stepping in 
it is in the avoiding of stepping in …

You know the suspension in a movie 
when you know something is about to happen,
you know it will appear from the dark,
but you don't really know "the monster" 
that is going to show up and where and when …!!
Life is the same way,
that is why we distract ourselves from finding out
about our least favorite movie, the movie inside!
We speed up our life and 
have to DO something all the time instead of being.

Who turns off the music (sound) in a suspension movie?!?
Who grabs a pillow to cover your eyes?!?
Who suddenly has an urge to go to the restroom?!?
Who hates those movies and wouldn't even watch one?!?

We live our own suspension movie 
when we choose not to reveal the inner script
that runs our life.
We can't really change what we 
choose not to know! 

Where do you believe all the 
fears and anxieties come from?!
They come from the suspension movie inside,
always running with colors and vibrantly alive.

Fears are only messengers, I see them as "gremlins", 
that show up to inform us that we have 
a belief system of negative kind, harmful to us
that wishes to retire!
Listen and look into "what you have to believe 
about yourself to feel that much fear in your situation of choice."
Lack of Self Worth is absolutely
a major contributor to our choice of state of being!
even when we "look good" behind our masks
and seem to have it all down.

We keep changing the stage (outside of us) for our play,
different decors, different actors, different lines …
will consistently show up on the stage though!!
The script/the screen play is the same,
until we know why we keep choosing it over and over,
even when it sucks and is full of BS. 

We always take ourselves with us!!
We are our screenplay keepers!!
The screen play is directed by our Higher Selves (Minds),
because it really wants us to know
what is running/fueling our scripts of life on Earth,
so we can change them!
H.S. talks Louder and Louder if we don't listen!
So listen carefully to the fear gremlins,
what bed stories they are telling you
that you keep close to heart,
that keep you in the loop of the same choice of experience.

The purpose that we are in a physical life form,
a Master Class in evolution,
is to transform darkness into light.
To uncover the True Self within,
and thus change how 
we experience and perceive 
the life on Earth the we have chosen and been given.

Earth Life can be a Life of
 fun and play,
Happiness and Love,
abundance and success,
and truly inclusively connected to All That Is!
But we need to know our darkness and Love it
with Gratitude because of all the wisdom
it provides us first.
The foundation for a Life in Love;
without knowing the Dark we won't know the Light.
They complement each other
They respect each other 
They know whole heartedly that they need each other
 to be the shining inspiration
for all individual and collective Creativity 
to take boundless form!

with Love and Peace,

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