Sunday, February 2, 2014


 Groundhog day, experience after experience, "nothing" seems to change in the perceptions of your life (emotionally), relating to your choice of creation ... 
When we keep having the same reoccurring emotional responses/reactions to what we are experiencing making ourselves scared, high, unhappy and out of sink with our true peace and balance within, it is simply a sign that we are not recognizing the belief systems (about ourselves) that make us choose the same life experience over and over. 

FEARS are our best friends telling us about the lies, the bed stories, that we hold on to, that keep us from being our True Selves.

"You were born an original … Don't die a copy!"  - John Mason - 

As long as we agree to live and believe in the same form of life as everybody else, we also agree and accept, that the structures that confined the old ways are the only structures to live by.
We can't build a new house on top of an old dysfunctional, leaking house and trust that it will provide a solid trustworthy foundation!
The old structures based in fear and power over separate us from our True Selves and from trusting and believing in our dreams! 

When we copy beliefs from others and make them ours to live by, we state with our choice that we are too scared of being ourselves. We put on masks that fit the stolen belief systems, so that we can be accepted and go un-noticed; we really don't ask for much.
Lack of Self-Worth!

What belief system, about Your Self, would you have to hold dear and tight to heart to not allow yourself to live your life, to be You and live Your Dreams, and follow your Highest Inspiration in every given moment of the day without expectations of outcome?!?

How often do you follow the mainstream complaining about Life, judging and criticizing people, bosses, politics, religions etc ?? (me and them)
How often does it make you feel better to point finger and exclude yourself from what is too uncomfortable to relate to?? 
How often do you fight or numb down or distract yourself from pains in your heart and body in your efforts to find the cause of your suffering outside of yourself??

Another train of thought ...

What if ... I said that there is no outside!?!!

What if … that blame on the outside is just another way of justifying Self Victimization
 to stay helpless and codependent?!!
What if … all the pain and suffering that You experience is just your heart and body letting you know that you are holding on to a lot of BS lies, 
that are not allowing you to access your True Self within?!!
What if … all the times when you point finger and blame someone else for your reality perception, you are actually just judging yourself, 
mirrored by other humans and all your experiences in life?!!
What if … all that you see, hear, perceive "out there" is just another reflection of yourself that you need to look at and learn from?!!
What if … existence is neutral and there is no right and wrong, good or bad to be judged and sentenced to "punishment" by?!!
What if … the inner persecutor, jury, judge are all (egos) validating you because you are having belief systems that make you feel guilty of being wrong?!!
What if … all the stolen belief systems are actually here to help you! find the Truth about You, the True You, that you have been separated from for so long?!
What if … your unhappiness, your loneliness, your poverty and scarcity mindset, your pain and suffering are your Greatest Teachers! 
to help You find and track down the belief systems,
      that are not yours and but here to help set You Free to be You?!!

Please, don't reject or shame or run away from Your Shadow Self!
Please, don't believe that you will be rejected or punished if you are True to Yourself!

Please, Love All your experiences without judgement!!
They are just experiences here to help you expand, if you let them!!  
Their teachings are easier to perceive if you stay open minded and willing to let go without judgement!
If You believe your belief systems to be true, they will keep creating Groundhog day!

There is no outside!!!
All is reflected from our inside to the "outside" of us, so we can physically take a look at (with the help of all of our senses) what is causing us to hold on to a life imprisoned by belief systems (about ourselves), that are not ours to begin with, and are limiting us from being All That We Are and can become. 

This is My Truth! 
I share it with you as just another possibility to relate to life as we know it in a different way ... Happy or Unhappy.
I share it with you because of how it has changed my way of life profoundly.
I share it with you because of my empowered experience from owning my life, instead of living a borrowed life.
What we own we can change, when needed!
That which we don't claim ownership over we cannot change.



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