driving for the first time by my self
after I got my driver's license ...
Do You??
I felt like I was in a frenzy of a flash flood
of experiences,
all able to take me to hell and back ...
It was scary...
clutch, finding the gears,
paying attention to all the traffic signs,
finding which streets to turn and what lane to be in,
turn lights, breaks, rear view mirrors,
other people's cars and ways, speed limits and
my own speed, ice, snow, rain, sun ...
all providing different circumstances
in how to drive responsibly ...
Trusting my own intuition was all I had!
How fast we move in unknown terrains
needs to be related to the circumstances, our intuition,
and our own skills from what we know from experience.
It was Overwhelming to say the least,
especially since I chose to get my drivers license
on the other side of 30,
so I had more of a sense (than a younger person)
what could/might go wrong and
how fast my experience could shift and change
if I didn't pay attention to all the different aspects
in traffic including
other driver's possible lacks of skills and attention span.
When we upgrade our knowledge and understanding
of a new skill in how we want to live life,
many of us might believe we know it all
and that the driving will be easy ...
Being behind the staring wheel in charge of the driving
is a learning process(!) before it becomes automatic.
We can read all the books handed to us
but without choosing to fully experience life first hand,
through trial and error,
we won't really know anything
about cause and effect,
choosing one side before the other.
Being overprotective and controlling of children
is robbing them of their needed life experiences.
A parent has accepted a responsibility and
a privilege to lovingly oversee
a child's curiosity and adventures to explore life,
not to control every move they choose;
rather redirect or stand close by their side as needed
in their life exploration ...
Showing the young one that we trust
their learning experiences to understand more
about the options of
their healthy successful choices
versus the polar opposite ones available,
helps them develop a strong inner intuition
to know the consequences of positive/ negative choices.
We cannot make healthy choices
if we don't know both sides of the fence ...
Small children small challenges,
big children big challenges!
Humans who have grown up being told
what to do, how to do, what to like, what is wrong,
what is right, who to be, what to look like ... to fit in ...
are lost in life and are profoundly disconnected
from their own intuitive gut feelings of
what is right or wrong for them.
We all have different paths to walk so we all have
different choices that we need to make to take us forward
on our own choice of life path.
Most humans tend to still live
by rules and beliefs and definitions,
that we were taught and trained to trust and rely on
for survival.
We hang onto them like cliff hangers in fear of dying.
When we don't know how to trust our own inner self
we rely on the outside to tell us what to do and be ...
we listen and obey by the rules we have been/are given
rather than seek and find our own.
We live disconnected from our own truth and our own bodies,
that are our only source of true guidance to
a healthy life style and to succeed in living our dreams.
The rules and beliefs we have inherited and stolen
from beings in our past have taught us to turn our backs
away from our True Inner Self guidance.
When babies are born,
most are rewarded for making their parents
proud and happy, and
reprimanded if the baby is making them feel shame and guilt.
As new borns we are emotionally One
with our mothers for 18 months,
we feel what they feel, we know what they think ...
When babies don't behave and grow as "they should"
parents feel fear, feel guilt, feel shame etc etc
Babies, toddlers, children
scan everything, this is how we learn to
behave and please and ask the outside for guidance,
to make the outside smile back at us.
We want our parents to be happy and proud of us ...
This doesn't make us happy as we grow and mature.
We keep doing it out of fear for not fitting in, not surviving ...
while we at the same time are deeply unhappy and lonely inside.
It may feel like we have a black hole within
and we may feel like we are lost in the darkness of it.
We keep looking outside for help and assistance to
fill this empty dark space like we were trained to do,
and blaming the outside for our failing efforts ...
The only way to illuminate this dark tunnel inside
is to go within!
The emptiness cannot be fulfilled from the outside,
if you choose to pull from outside
you will fill the space with a stranger,
someone who will most likely leave the space when he/she wants to;
Only You can fill You with You!
We need to seek and find and
decipher the beliefs and definitions
that make our perception of life so filled
with fear and loneliness and lack of Joy.
What are the beliefs that we believe to be true
that are driving our car and
that are convincing us to make the same choices
over and over and over again
expecting new different fulfilling results ...
Choosing Groundhog-day for ever.
Learning to live Life in a New Way is a Process!
Not a hard and difficult process,
just a process!
We can choose between struggling and effortless life styles,
which one are you attracted to??
which one do you choose??!!
When We find the beliefs and definitions
that do not serve our highest dreams any more,
our True Process is to make new and different choices
to be able to change the outcome of our life.
Choose to be unconditional in Loving You and
Your Life will shift direction!
Nobody but You can experience that process for You.
Practice makes good,
through learning by doing!
Use other people for inspiration
rather than to have them tell you what to do ...
we have all done that and we all know how that doesn't work.
You can only do You!
everybody else is taken!
with Love and Peace in Perfect Harmony,
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