Throughout my life journey there has been
a calling for travels outside at times and sometimes
circumstances have been calling for me to experience life,
right where I am, in the same vibrational frequency,
without having to change stage, "location", screen …
We never travel anywhere anyway,
it just looks that way from our physical mind perception of
our virtual physical reality.
For nearly a decade I ended up
having all the experiences I needed right where I was,
except for one "short" trip to Brussels in Belgium.
I and a friend of mine were asked to house sit for a month
for my friend's brother and his family outside Brussels
as they had to travel for work for a month.
My family was elsewhere so it all worked out perfect.
This trip I believe is the only organized trip
with another person that I have ever experienced,
from start to finish.
from start to finish.
We rented bikes and biked all over Belgium,
where it seemed appropriate for both of us to go.
Since I had to collaborate with another human being
and not always went for my own highest inspiration,
I had to compromise and
I had to agree to agree on what to do and where to go.
I realize, that I first of all almost forgot about this trip
until I started to call in the memories for
my next self made up assignment,
the writing about my next trip,
the writing about my next trip,
when I was invited to visit France.
I suddenly remembered that I visited Paris once
and as I went down my memory lane,
I was reminded about Brussels …
We went by train to Paris and spent two days there
while in Belgium.
We went by train to Paris and spent two days there
while in Belgium.
I was not traveling with an open mind during this experience,
instead we chose to plan the whole experience and
I remember the power struggles in decision making …
My Aquarius friend had one plan haha ...
since I never liked power struggles I ended up
submissively agreeing to agree, while dis-agreeing in my mind,
and thus I did not have my usual adventurous experience
as I chose to experience someone else's choices.
Not to be judged (!), it was just a different way of travel.
Not to be judged (!), it was just a different way of travel.
I was definitely angry (in silence) resenting most
everything that could have been fun …
missing out on, I am sure, many exciting opportunities
right in front of my nose.
This is also the only time in my life I found myself
excessively(!) smoking cigarettes …
cigarettes numb down emotions taboo …
On my return back to Sweden I remember standing
at the rear end of the ship between Germany and Denmark,
looking at my pack of cigarettes and as I threw them in the ocean
agreeing with myself that that was the dumbest experience
I had agreed on having …
never had a craving after that and I have never smoked since.
In a nut shell, this is pretty much the same experience as
when we choose to live according to someone else's
rules, belief systems and definitions of
how things should be and how we should live and choose.
It makes us angry and resentful at ourselves,
when we we give up and away our own voice,
choosing to agree to agree to live a life experience,
that is not ours to begin with,
a life style that we don't even know how to live,
because we have not defined the experience from our own truths.
When we live according to belief systems that are not ours,
we live in consistent stress because we have to scan
and pay attention to every detail to not
make "mistakes" that are judged and labelled by others.
So we don't get punished for not doing things right!
We really don't develop clear perceptions of why our life
unfolds the way it does, when we don't live by our own truth.
That's why we perceive more clearly when we are outside,
when our experience is looked at from an outlook,
over viewing all interactions,
over viewing all interactions,
when our perception is not distorted,
by other human beings in our heads and in front of us.
Our own Truths illuminate our experiences
and we learn and expand and we evolve with grace effortlessly.
When we live our lives according to definitions
made up by other humans
we see with eyes other than our own,
we hear with ears other than our own,
so we perceive our life with the perceptions of another human,
rather than our True Self perception.
In other words we live a life that is not ours
and we justify it with agreeing to agree and
compromise our own truth!
We choose a life smaller than life itself,
a life that fits our own belittling of our Divine Selves.
"The Travels and Treasures ..." are still providing pots of gold
unfolding ...
I never saw that coming!
The adventurous surprises and insights that unfold
when we follow our Highest Inspiration
without expectations of the outcome!
with Love and Peace in Joy,
I also welcome you to visit
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