Saturday, May 3, 2014



My Story! 
and my take on our responsibilities towards
 our physical bodies:

our nervous and immune systems are
created to protect us from dangers.
they are guides that want to be heard
so we can stay healthy and strong physically.
most humans tend to silence the body when
instead we need to pay attention to the messages of pain telling us
about imbalances within that keep us away from being 
All That we can Be
that we need to know about.

It is the same as in a business,
the CEO (consciously alert and aware)
observes an imbalance that makes the success of the business
less than it could be.
The overseeing, inter-connected CEO 
calls for a meeting and addresses the issue, the bug, in the system.
(without blame and criticism and pointing fingers)
It might just be some little detail that used to work just fine,
but as the businesses is evolving towards new goals
the old ways slow everything down and
prevents everything and everybody from expanding.
The meeting attendees look at "the bug" from every angle
and all take responsibility to work
individually and together to resolve what needs to be resolved.
The faulty old mechanism is released.
and new ones are replacing the old ones.
All are inclusively part taking and being rewarded in the changes 
to create a new thriving business!


What if "the bug" was ignored and left unattended to,
when the brewing energy of irritation started being noticed
and the rewards went down and down.
What if the CEO just wanted to point finger 
at somebody other that self at fault,
to not have to be responsible for the co-creation of the issue at hand
and left it for the workers to fix it, cover it up (for free).
Usually workers in this kind of company are
in survival mode and too scared to speak up for the  
possibility of being reprimanded and loose their job. 
 The bleeding cut gets covered up, without purification and proper care,
so as time goes by the bugs within the tiny cut start
creating a serious infection and everybody eventually looses their job,
including the arrogant CEO not wanting to 
take responsibility for being a leader of the pack and 
accepting the self reflecting issues 
from the employees and the circumstance in the business.


Our nervous system, the electrical wiring within our bodies, 
I perceive, as the messenger between 
our belief systems, our definitions, our emotions,
our choice of actions and relating,
 reflected through our body and its signals.
Our nervous system
 alerts us when we are in danger and goes into fight and flight mode,
a high alert mode telling us to Pay attention, high stress level!
The opposite to when we live in Peace, 
it chills and does its job scanning for dangers, like a surveillance camera.
Ready to alert the Immune system to collaborate and
take care of the intruding enemies threatening the body's health. 
It is like the alert lights on the dashboard in our cars;
they blink warning signals to us at first, when our vehicle is in
 need of maintenance attention, 
and if we ignore the blinking and
we don't take action, they go full beam to let us know
that it is high time to give some loving attention to our car.
If we ignore that !!
we might have some serious engine breakdown come our way,
that may be very challenging and may take us to a full stop.

Our Immune System 
is like the CEO/ Manager
 of the Maintenance department of our bodies, all in one!
It is created to take care of 
all the dangers, the intruders, the viruses, the imbalances
 floating through our bloodstreams,
 to keep up the cleanliness of our physical health.
When the immune system has a normal work load and it is paid well, 
through our conscious awareness and self love and self care 
making its workload easy and effortless and fun,
 it is able to keep up the good work
and maintain our physical health.

what would happen?! 
to all the doctors and
the medical companies numbing humans down,
if every human individual took responsibility and 
chose to be self reliant ...
 caring for and loving them selves and thus their bodies more??!!

I assume they would have to change how they make their money!
And humans would be the CEOs changing the dynamics
of the medical businesses to serve for the good of humanity,
 instead of numbing down and covering up, 
what needs to be understood by the individual human being.

do you trust nature more than chemicals?!
do you trust chemicals, 
 that numb down and cover up the signals,
that the exquisite mechanical and electrical systems of your body
try to send to you to help you out.

I know that most of us have been brought up to feel powerless
and helpless around our physical health and our bodies.
As soon as we are born we are made co-dependent 
on doctors and nurses, shots and scales and measurements ...
to fit in the "normal healthy box" that somebody designed for us. 
Where did all the organic natural trusting of new life being born go?
I am not condemning all medical,
I'm just saying, it has gone somewhat overboard and viral,
created a global human addiction 
to being fixed and numbed down with pills and shots and radiation,
helplessly experimented on, believing all the stories and statements, 
People love labels, I have this and that, she/he is/has this and that ...
solely to not have to go through the experiences
to learn about the lies we have lived(are living) by and 
get to know our True Selves again;
the beautiful uncovering of our inner light 
from the shadows of darkness that
our spiritual experiences in physical form are all about.

People are getting more scared around their health more than ever,
there are so many more allergies, illnesses, dis-eases 
that our Higher Mind and bodies are using to get our attention.
The more we are detached from our bodies the more scared we get,
we can't change that which we are separated from.
Our immune system is on overtime 
and it is not getting paid 
for all the extra overload of work, that has landed on its plate
through our old way of life.

Our bodies respond to our negative belief systems and definitions,
our negative self talk and disapproval and judgement of
ourselves and our worlds.
We are the greatest danger to our own health!
The nervous and immune systems are alerting us 
that we are the biggest danger for our physical well being.
We have become allergic to ourselves
through living in constant fear and stress!

Many Humans live in fear of survival
(rich or poor doesn't matter)
of not being good enough, feeling powerless, helpless,
needing to live to fit in and be accepted ...
always running for approval and validation from outside;
So humans are working more and more and more and more
working, working out, part taking in every public runway 
that might give a sense of ego validation,
not feeling they can stop and take a breath and rest, 
without loosing something.
and then we have the people, 
thinking they have to sacrifice themselves and their lives 
to take care of everybody else,
"because these people can't care for themselves …
 but I know what is best for them, 
I know them better than they do themselves!"

This is why our immune system is overloaded with work and 
on overdue overtime, not being supported by us, 
as it is trying to keep up the maintenance.
You all know what that feels like when you are overloaded at work,
trying to keep up home chores, and social chores, 
kids, pets obligations, have to(-s), should(-s), lovers etc 
and just want to scream, because there is no time for rejuvenation, 
and you can't see any way out.
The sticky mouse trap, the more you move, the more you get stuck!!

Humans are setting themselves up for breakdowns physically
if we don't change our belief systems, definitions
 and negative self talk and choices from fear and lack of trust
 in All That Is.
I am not saying this to scare or to judge and criticize , 
but to increase the awareness that there is a way out,
if you are unhappy, tired, allergic, over weight, under weight,
not feeling loved, betrayed, deceived, angry, depressed, 
outsider in self pity etc
plain and simple out of balance,
out of alignment with the True You.
Voice the way you have accepted and believe that you have to live
and choose and replace it with your own choice of Life.

Our human nervous system is on high alert for the sense of danger it is 
receiving from our Higher Minds, Higher Selves;
The farther away in frequency we are from our True Selves
the more distance we experience from loving Self, and
 the more we feel lost and abandoned and scared of the unknown. 
The only cover up for this is to stay as busy as possible,
as numbed down as possible
and allow the outside to be the over powering force in our life,
until the immune system collapses trying to munch away all the cells created
by all the hidden negative self talk, distancing us from 
and blocking our True Selves from show up.

It is like living behind locked doors and concrete walls
hearing the pounding and the rhythms of a powerful energy
wanting to enter and give us the life that we have dreamed of …
but we are too scared to even open the doors ...

Re-Connect with your body and listen to what it needs,
rejuvenate and rest and Please,
Don't worry, Be happy …
Everything's going to be alright one step at a time …
You have the Freedom to Choose your Way of Life 
any time and if you so prefer …


with Love and Peace in Joy,

I welcome you to also visit my web and blog:

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