Saturday, May 31, 2014


"Long time" has past by, or so it seems,
 since my previous post …
been traveling inwards and enjoying my journeys,
learning more about myself.
"Times" are traveling faster and faster and
our thoughts and belief systems and definitions are
manifesting, with the increased and rapid speed of light,
 to be understood and validated 
as something we prefer to live by or as
ways of life that we are willing to let go of indefinitely …

Judging Life is Judging ourselves,
Judging another human being is Judging Self …
So if we choose to Judge our choices we judge All That Is,
since we are part of and reflect All That is,
whether it be reflecting the negative or positive aspects of Life,
reflecting the darkness or the light,
reflecting beliefs systems of being lovable or not lovable …
What we Believe we See!
So when we feel an urge to Judge what we perceive
in our world of physical Life,
take a step back from the experience and ask yourself,
"what do I have to believe about myself to be able to perceive this,
How do I define myself needing to choose this challenge
to learn what limits me and what expands me?!"

My next adventure that I remember from my past experiences,
happened "out of the blue."
I received a phone call from an acquaintance living in France,
A Dutch captain on a cargo ship that I became 
acquainted with working a temporary job at an office 
loading cargo ships.
He had a mansion in Cahor, a town outside Toulouse …
and he had a couple of months off sea and wanted somebody 
to accompany him for a while and I had expressed a desire to visit
that part of France … forgot that myself …
but he remembered and I was invited. 

I got my tickets and left and my friend picked me up
and we drove for a couple of hours and arrived at a huge 
rock mansion, I just love rock houses, there is something 
very rustic and special around having walls built
with natures creations of rock formations.
The air was raw and misty as it was in January so 
I was spending my nights in front of the biggest rock fireplace
I had ever seen, stunning!
It came in handy with its heat after a couple of weeks. 

It was a country side feeling around my friends mansion
as I woke up the next morning. 
We were surrounded by fields of grapes as far as my eyes
could perceive, I was definitely in grape/wine land.
I have never been a frequent drinker so I had no idea that 
there was Cahor wines and wineries all over the place.
We met JP, a friend, that took care of his mansion, 
when he was at sea.
I have never had so much wine in my entire life,
during a couple of weeks.
We travelled to all the wineries throughout the whole area,
every day tasting away.

I also did something that I never forget.
I was told that, I was going to experience something special.
So one day we went to pick up 3 huge pigs on a leash!!
I was totally confused and had no clue what was going to happen
with our new found pets.
You who know cooking have probably already guessed …
Yup! we were going truffle hunting!
We took our pets to a muddy field with trees surrounding it 
and then we let 
the pigs go wild with their leashes on.
What a treat! My pig pet found so much truffle for me,
counted in money it was a fortune,
beginners luck I guess for JP and my friend found hardly any
or they had planted them so I could find them haha,
just to make me happy.
I have loved truffles ever since and every time I eat them 
I remember my field trip in the mud holding a pig on a leash. 

The trip ended much sooner than planned 
because I got food poisoned at a 5 star restaurant and
I was throwing up and releasing every thing that passed
my lips into my system, shivering from intense fever.
I was intensely sick for five days firing up the fireplace
to the extreme, wrapped up  in my sleeping bag and blankets.
My first and only food poisoning ever experienced.
I don't do western medicine by choice,
my choice not to trust chemical manipulations of my body ...
I trust the body to heal and take loving care of itself,
 if I get out of the way and do my best to understand 
the messages given to me through its reactions. 
My friends eventually got worried 
because my fever kept staying at levels of 40 C+.
JP finally came to me with three capsules in bright colors
and shared with me that they were naturally organic. 

I asked him what they were and he told me
that he gives them to race horses when they have upset stomachs.
He was a vet. care taker of race horses amongst other things,
all in one guy.
I was at my wits end and I had changed my tickets
so I was planning on leaving the next day and thought that 
I can't fly feeling the way I felt so 
sometimes you just have to trust and take a risk.
JP did not take western medicine either so when he told
me that all is good, my gut told me to trust him.

The size and the color of the huge capsules I still remember lol
I took one "pill" and hoped that it would not come straight back up
and that I would survive …
Success!! Two hours later I had no nausea, no fever!!
I watched the reactions in my body like a hawk and 
nothing unusual seemed to occur except for the fact 
that I felt like a new born.
I am rarely sick so for me to create, what I created in a fancy 
restaurant was extreme …
I guess I wanted to return home sooner. 

My flight was leaving early morning the next day,
so the single club of Cahor had gathered 
their monthly single gathering
to celebrate and since I felt quite good but weak,
I decided to join the party.
A party with non stop food and drinks and dancing that started
late afternoon and ended around 3 in the morning.
There was no stopping of the food …
every hour a new load and their special drink in-between 
to make space for more.
I still don't know what that was but definitely hot 
for the digestive system.

We arrived at the mansion around four in the morning and
I packed my back pack and went to the big city,
jumped on the plane after a safety capsule to take care of 
any returning digestive mishaps from all the food intake,
the night before.
I was feeling very weak but ok.
It took me a couple of months to feel fully recovered
energetically in my physical body.
I had lab people check the last capsule just to know
what the miracle medicine was.
Totally organic without chemicals but with strength 
that would help a horse haha
I guess I defined myself as a woman 
with horse strength and digestive system after that.

I have eaten street food and had tap water
during my travels and never ever had one negative effect …
I go to a 5 star restaurant and I go down the drain.
I remember I told my friends that the food did not smell 
right but I did not trust my gut and choose to return the dish
 to the kitchen because 
of the upscale reputation of the restaurant.
Trust your gut not the fancy facade ...
Learning Treasures to embrace!

with Peace and Love in Joy,

also visit


Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Throughout my life journey there has been 
a calling for travels outside at times and sometimes 
circumstances have been calling for me to experience life,
right where I am, in the same vibrational frequency,
without having to change stage, "location", screen …
We never travel anywhere anyway,
it just looks that way from our physical mind perception of 
our virtual physical reality.
For nearly a decade I ended up 
having all the experiences I needed right where I was,
except for one "short" trip to Brussels in Belgium.
I and a friend of mine were asked to house sit for a month
for my friend's brother and his family outside Brussels
as they had to travel for work for a month.
My family was elsewhere so it all worked out perfect.

This trip I believe is the only organized trip
with another person that I have ever experienced,
from start to finish.
We rented bikes and biked all over Belgium,
where it seemed appropriate for both of us to go. 
Since I had to collaborate with another human being 
and not always went for my own highest inspiration, 
I had to compromise and 
I had to agree to agree on what to do and where to go.

I realize, that I first of all almost forgot about this trip
until I started to call in the memories for 
my next self made up assignment, 
the writing about my next trip, 
when I was invited to visit France. 
I suddenly remembered that I visited Paris once
and as I went down my memory lane,
 I was reminded about Brussels … 
We went by train to Paris and spent two days there 
while in Belgium.
I was not traveling with an open mind during this experience,
instead we chose to plan the whole experience and 
I remember the power struggles in decision making …
My Aquarius friend had one plan haha ... 
since I never liked power struggles I ended up 
submissively agreeing to agree, while dis-agreeing in my mind, 
and thus I did not have my usual adventurous experience
as I chose to experience someone else's choices.
Not to be judged (!), it was just a different way of travel.

I was definitely angry (in silence) resenting most 
everything that could have been fun …
missing out on, I am sure, many exciting opportunities
right in front of my nose.
This is also the only time in my life I found myself 
excessively(!) smoking cigarettes … 
cigarettes numb down emotions taboo …
On my return back to Sweden I remember standing 
at the rear end of the ship between Germany and Denmark,
looking at my pack of cigarettes and as I threw them in the ocean 
agreeing with myself that that was the dumbest experience 
I had agreed on having … 
never had a craving after that and I have never smoked since.

In a nut shell, this is pretty much the same experience as 
when we choose to live according to someone else's
 rules, belief systems and definitions of 
how things should be and how we should live and choose.
It makes us angry and resentful at ourselves, 
when we we give up and away our own voice, 
choosing to agree to agree to live a life experience,
 that is not ours to begin with,
a life style that we don't even know how to live,
because we have not defined the experience from our own truths.
When we live according to belief systems that are not ours,
we live in consistent stress because we have to scan 
and pay attention to every detail to not
make "mistakes" that are judged and labelled by others.
So we don't get punished for not doing things right!

We really don't develop clear perceptions of why our life
unfolds the way it does, when we don't live by our own truth. 
That's why we perceive more clearly when we are outside,
when our experience is looked at from an outlook,
over viewing all interactions,
when our perception is not distorted,
 by other human beings in our heads and in front of us.
Our own Truths illuminate our experiences
and we learn and expand and we evolve with grace effortlessly.
When we live our lives according to definitions
 made up by other humans 
we see with eyes other than our own,
we hear with ears other than our own,
so we perceive our life with the perceptions of another human,
rather than our True Self perception.
In other words we live a life that is not ours
and we justify it with agreeing to agree and 
compromise our own truth!
We choose a life smaller than life itself,
a life that fits our own belittling of our Divine Selves.

"The Travels and Treasures ..." are still providing pots of gold
unfolding ...

I never saw that coming!
The adventurous surprises and insights that unfold
when we follow our Highest Inspiration
without expectations of the outcome!

with Love and Peace in Joy,

I also welcome you to visit

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


The year after Greece and my return to Sweden
I had letters coming my way keeping my connected, 
flowers and gifts sent to me every week - month,
so the next Summer when I found myself
having a few weeks to myself I decided to go for an adventure
and see if I would be able to get all the way down to visit my friends.

I did not have money for air fairs or train or busses,
so I decided to put my thumb up in the air and just go.
Decided as I was walking on the plaza downtown Umea.
Biked home with the speed of lightning and packed my back pack,
took the bus to the high way and started my adventure.
In a few minutes some friends from Turkey showed up in their car,
and they told me they were on their way home 
to their homeland Turkey to visit.
They asked me if I wanted to join,
and, said and done, 
I jumped into their car and we were on the way.

Like all Mediterranean people they had a lot of people
they needed to visit on their way down through Europe, 
so our first stop was Amsterdam after driving down through
Sweden and Denmark and Germany.
We crashed in the car until we arrived in Holland,
and the big extended families of cousins and uncles and aunts etc
I found myself Sleeping on the floor with at least 20 - 30 
Turkish people, after a fantastic experience 
of food, music, dancing
and during the night to early morning
 exploring the most "extreme" bar experiences 
I had ever had before.

My natural and organic way during my travels has 
always been to stay away from any intoxicating offers so
that I could stay aware of any potential dangers during 
my adventures and not end up in trouble;
when you travel as a single woman, there are definitely efforts to 
get you confused and less aware to make you more available for …

After Amsterdam we drove down through Belgium 
to northern France and then into Germany again,
where the next crowd of family and friends lived.
The two guys and I had a fantastic and fabulous time together
playful and fun, sharing a lot of stories.
As we ended up in Munich we ended up repeating 
our Amsterdam experience of floor sleep …
Mediterranean's tend to be magnets for 
crowds of people gathering,
the jungle drums start pounding their messages that
family is gathering and they just show up 
in big crowds from everywhere.
They don't even have to like each other, but when there is 
a gathering of family they all show up, for better for worse.

After Munich and the adventures with all
 the new extended families and friends,
we continued our trip South towards Greece and Turkey. 
We drove through Austria, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria having some 
adventures with our old beat up car up in the mountains.
Intensely steep mountain sides in the dark, 
with extremely narrow roads;
at one point we ended up nose to nose in the pitch dark 
with an elderly couple.
They were sitting in the middle of the road frozen from fear 
from having one side of the road go straight up and 
the other one straight down while they were right in front of a bend. 
The wife was screaming and the husband could not move.
My guys drove their big low rider to a beer bar we just passed and 
I took them by hand and walked them to the bar and the parking lot.
They decided to sleep there till morning so they would have more light.
I still hope they did good because the people that visited the bar were
not of the more conscious tribe of people and 
fully hydrated by the 12 % beer they were served.

I realized as we got closer to the fork in the road 
for me to take a turn to Greece
that I did not have enough time (or money) to travel south 
to visit my friends …
I had to be back at work in Sweden in a couple of weeks and 
god knows how I would get there in time, 
because my wallet had become very thin
by the time we got closer to Turkey.
I decided to join my friends to Istanbul, 
where one of the guys had his family,
while the other guy were on his way to the Southern parts of Turkey.
The lines at the border - customs were beyond long,
the Turkish people travel with luggage like nobody else, 
gifts for everyone.

I decided to leave the car and saw a female militant custom guard,
that was waiving at me … I got nervous that something was not right.
She called me to her and looked at me up and down.
I was wearing a minimal top because of the heat (100 -110)
and I had been an athlete most of my life so the muscles were visible.
She asked me if I was married, I said no, and 
she started telling me that she had a son 
that I would be the perfect wife for …
She gave me her phone number and her sons phone number
and gave me a free pass through customs.
I was through in 15 minutes and 
then I had to wait for my friends for 10 hours.
Sometimes life is really humorous and funny, the way it shows up.

I was planning on sleeping wherever I could find a spot, but 
my friends said that sleeping on the beach in Istanbul, not so good!
I ended up in the home of my friend's wealthy grand parents.
I was treated like a queen,
served Turkish tea in golden tea cups on the bed every morning …
fed and dressed like a female princess from Turkey …
Both his mother and sisters and cousins and grand mothers
decided I needed a make over to be part of their family ...
another Heavenly experience on Earth.
They took me to the big market of Istanbul and 
showed me local food places and dance places … 
My time in Istanbul ended way too fast …

I had about 5 days before I had to be back at work in Sweden …
"Reality" hit me again … I had no money to travel for. 
Before I knew it Somebody had bought me a train ticket home,
I still don't know who?!
I ended up traveling with strangers, a turkish family 
on their way back to Munich.
They begged me to stay with them because of a Bulgarian guy
who wanted to get into their private compartment.
I was bribed with food and drinks, and very nice company.
Easy choice even if the hostile guy was standing 
outside "our" compartment 
threatening me and fixating his eyes on me.
Eventually I had to go to the rest room so I left my space,
 bringing a machete with me that I always travelled with.
Found my "enemy" watching me from the end of the carriage 
so I decided to stop and wait and see what he was up to.
I thanked my life for having trained me in karate for many years.

He came closer and closer and in a rapid moment 
he had past me and ran into the rest room.
The train had a stop in Sofia in Bulgaria and the guy jumped out
and started running away from the train station.
At the same time the people at the end of the carriage 
came out screaming…
they had been robbed in their sleep from everything … 
passports, jewelry, visas, money …
The Bulgarian Police came running and I knew right away 
that the guy that I saw had taken all their valuables.
I had watched him run away so I showed the police where and they
found the guy and he screamed a deadly curse of hatred at me,
 as they booked him … the police thanked me for my courage.
The families got all of their valuable stuff back … 
I told them to look for the rest in the restroom and all was there.
I felt good and all the people were in such gratitude …
Returning all the gifts of gifting hospitality …

I arrived at the train station in my home town in Sweden 
at 7 am and I had to be at work at 8 am.
No time to freshen up, with my backpack on my back
I went to work to start my ordinary life.
My co-workers had no idea about my resent adventures so 
they asked if I was going somewhere after work … 
I just said no, I just came from Istanbul and I had no time 
to go home in between.

An adventure without plans,
and hardly any money,
that was divinely organized by following my highest inspiration!

to be continued …

with Love and Peace in Joy,

I welcome you also to visit

Friday, May 9, 2014



Having understood and realized,
through my first experience, 
on my own creating my life journey, all by my own choosing,
that pretending to be someone that is not me,
whether that would make me fit in more or not,
just does not work;
What happens is that we end up betraying both ourselves and 
everybody else we connect with.

Naturally, I faced my first Saturn Return at the same time,
when the reality I had created crumbled and fell apart, 
because of its week and unstable, misaligned foundation, 
that was invented by other beings' beliefs and definitions that I stole.
Astrologically Saturn Returns every 28 - 30 year cycles, 
to help us look at ourselves and decide from inside out,
who we desire and prefer to be and also to show us
what our choices have created for us to perceive so far, 
from the belief systems
that we have chosen to live by that define us and our world …
lies or not, they still define the way we perceive our worlds.

This first return was harsh and cruel,
because my dream fantasy of love and family creation had crumbled.
My Ego was definitely challenged to the core and 
I had no foundation but to take one step at a time ...
Nothing that I had imagined to be "the right way to live"
matched what happened and how I felt.
I was at loss with myself and in pain and judgement, for my failure.
All that I had wanted to prove to myself was broken into pieces.
The mask of not showing my state of inner being was solid ...
as I found myself being a single mother with a lot of responsibilities,
my creation hit me like a lightning rod from the skies ...
I stopped being me and became a mom and a dad, all in one,
in everyday life, providing for and caring for the two 
I had brought to this world.

Challenges, were my everyday life,
sometimes I did good and sometimes not so good,
at times I was so overwhelmed i just wanted to leave and go …
but my young ones kept me organized and focused on 
what I needed to do to provide for them to the best of my ability.
I felt judged and criticized and hardly ever liked 
by the family and friends that I had had around me so far, so 
I started creating new extended families once again.
People supporting and helping me in my creation of a new way of life.
By the end of the Saturn Return I was exhausted to the core
I felt I had to get away from it all and just be,
 to be able to have the strength to continue my life 
and the responsibilities I had chosen,
so Life brought me gifts of supplies, out of the blue,
and I had three months of free time by myself.

My first flight ever took form …
I had no idea how to do what i was about to do, but 
sometimes ignorance is bliss, you just go.
My backpack goal was Greece and the Islands …
Half way down to Greece, at an airport, 
I met a heavenly earth angel sent to help and assist, 
so I would be safe probably,
while learning how to take care of myself in new foreign lands again.
Slightly more advanced than moving to Sweden, 
the way I perceived it ...
This earth angel had been in Greece many times sailing
and she asked me if I wanted to join her on her travels,
 before she continued to Italy.
Said and done, I was provided the help I needed,
 while I was learning my ways and the cultural codes of Greece.

My earthy angel was Danish, knew German and English and Italian,
I knew Swedish, Finnish and a little(!) English,
good outcome … multi lingual package … can't go wrong.
I would have been so lost if I had not met her,
I can't even imagine where I would have ended up 
had she not been around sharing her experiences with me (laughing),
Now, all went plain sailing, 
effortless and swift travels and adventures,
while I was learning fast by watching and listening,
because I knew she was leaving for Italy in a month
and I would be on my own.

We left Athens after 5 days to travel between the Islands.
My new found friend made the choices and I chose to follow …
she had a plan, to go where she had never been, I did not.
My life was so free and exciting just exploring the unknown
and just living day by day, careless of tomorrow,
meeting lots of new people, locals and backpackers,
people providing shelter and food and story tellers 
sharing their adventures.
I learned about the trusting hospitality that exists in other places
on Earth, the Love and the shelters that people provided for us,
total strangers to them, and cared for and made us feel safe.
I was in Heaven on Earth.

From Ikaria,  our first landing place after Athens, 
where we stayed for three weeks, we continued to Samos, 
a lush green Island close to Turkey.
After a few days together exploring the west coast of the Island,
we parted ways and I was on my own.
I had to start choosing for myself,
 nervous yes!! but excited at the same time, very empowering. 
I took the bus and travelled through the mountains 
across the Island to its main city(town) … Samos.
I was on an adventure and I designed it to the best of my ability;
Did I have fun? Yes!! was I challenged? ooh Yes!!
I met new people and discovered the advantage of traveling 
without company, people approaching you in a different way,
and you get to share their stories with them for one day or two.
Then all parities move on without attachment ...
Dangerous, was not in my vocabulary,
 just fun and exciting, learning new things.

One day, after a few weeks on my own, I met a local guy.
I was invited to a private Greek family dinner.
Love at first sight with the family, without understanding the language.
I was invited to stay in their home!
So I went to pick up my backpack and moved in ...
My first personal exploration of the inside of family life 
of a different culture other than Scandinavian,
where I had to feel my way through all their everyday life chores, 
because we had no common verbal language.
To make a long story short,
I was more or less adopted into the family and 
as a daughter, I had to follow the rules of the Greek culture,
and how they perceived their women to be and behave.
I did not get that at first, so I had to learn it the "local" way.

All the vendors, and restaurants on our street 
accepted me as the new Papakosmas' daughter and 
expected me to stay and be part of their everyday life for ever.
I learned the language with determination day by day,
so I could learn about the real life that women experienced,
from the women themselves …
Overwhelming at times, my brain was working overtime 24/7 so 
I strayed off as a tourist from time to time, 
to the other side of the Island to get a break, and to meet other people,
but before I returned the family knew every step I had taken.
Had I communicated with men, I got the silent treatment.
I found myself being boxed in, into a rule system of Greek women,
and punished by women, with their silent treatment,
if I stepped outside their box of confinement.
The men treated me as invisible, for a length of time, to make their point.
I learned fast what way was not accepted in my behavior.
I found myself boxed in again, 
just a different box, different definitions.

I learned from Mamas about Greek food and 
their cooking and their use of olive oil by the gallon every day,
the soul they give to every aspect 
and into every step of their cooking.
Their produce and how to pick the best of the best,
while bargaining away ...
Late at night we went out to eat and drink the traditional
foods. drinks of the Island and to dance and listen to music, opppaaa …
and to gossip about everybody on the streets. 
Priceless experiences, that you don't have if you are regular tourist.
I was invited into the Greek Orthodox Church and blessed;
I travelled daily with one of their sons, my brother, Themos, 
across the Island on his Scooter and had the privilege to 
experience local secrets of the Island,
stories that people shared because they knew him,
 Priceless Treasures. 

Time had come for me to return to my other life 
and leave Greece behind …
tears running down everyone's cheeks … 
but I was expected to return to stay,
 so everybody celebrated that at the same time.
So I created a plan to go back very soon,
but "that soon" has not arrived yet … Life has its own plans ...
I was on my way the next year,
 but followed my Highest Inspiration and ended up on a
totally new adventure in different countries to be explored.

My Greatest Treasure is that  ...
Every time I eat Greek food I get to travel and 
experience with all my senses
the time i spent in Greece all over again …
all the people, the smells, the goats, the huge beef tomatoes,
 the water melons, the breads, the stories, the smiles, the oppaaas etc
Evolution has changed everything 
for better, sometimes for worse, before it gets better,
but my experiences are vibrantly alive and juicy and 
full of the colors, and sounds, and memories,
when ever I choose to return.
The people I met and the family that I stayed with are in my heart,
even if they have left this Earth plane, they stay with me. 

to be continued …

with Love and Peace in Joy,

I welcome you to also visit:


Thursday, May 8, 2014




The process of opening up 
an unknown box of life discovery,
by moving to a new culture is exciting and scary at the same time.
 All the life codes are different,
 language, definitions and belief systems ...
which made me alert and vibrantly alive and attentive.
I wanted to fit in and not be noticed as somebody not belonging.
So I decided to change the way I was perceived …
In Finland I was told and known to be  
 grumpy, pouty,  and a p-i-b, to those I knew as close,
 causing trouble and pain for everybody
 so I became what they believed me to be.
I was unhappy and felt attacked and lost so the choice was easy.

A new beginning, in a new environment, with a smile on my face,
surrounding myself with people who did not have a 
pre judgements about my personality …
I could play any role of being and consciously choose my experiences
and be on a totally different journey of experience.
I could be who ever I chose to be because 
I had no alien expectations projected onto me that I "had to" live up to,
 only helpful, loving, curious and interested people,
back then I was seen as exotic, a stranger to be discovered,
somebody different, but from a positive perspective.
I decided I had created heaven on earth.
I was loved and liked, and I loved and liked,
a beautiful journey …

I became the young woman, a perfect hair stylist, house wife, mother 
that would make everybody happy and me feeling a belonging, 
and learning that by choice
I could be accepted as a loving human being, the perfect woman.
I had an aunt from Finland visit once with my sister.
She had always disliked me and put me down and
 made sure it would not escape my awareness, that I was not likable.
 She stated after a state of the art breakfast …
"how were you able to create this rich and beautiful life for you,
being such a "big loser" ( my choice of replacement of declaration), 
while those that we all believed in have not … !"
I had proved everybody wrong and in my wounded 
mind and heart I gave the finger.
So I was still living belief systems and definitions
that I was brought up to live by.
I just chose to turn them around and show to myself and all others 
that I could be all that they told me I was not.
I was taking care of my family of choice to the T of perfection,
cooking, baking, sewing, creating the perfect home to impress …

At some point
the perfectionism had to crumble, since it was rooted in
choices and expectations
from a pleasing, resentful, angry, and wounded Self ;
just to prove all the persons thinking less of me wrong
(while I myself held onto the beliefs that I was less and not worthy!)
And so my world of perception had to break and thus crumbled!
But the treasures I received while having my experiences
of the other end of the teeter totter were priceless and precious …
learning what it felt like to be honestly liked and appreciated
for being somebody I chose to be myself and not being "poked."
I had a wonderful husband, two wonderful off springs, 
extended families reflecting all new aspects of me showing.
I learned endless creative skills and internal wisdom,
 that are mine to keep.
I learned that the motivation behind all that we choose needs to come,
Pure and True, from our Heart of Hearts.
There is no detour around living True Self in Joy from LOVE!
The Truth and the Lies need to be known and understood,
so that our choices of Life experiences are rooted in Self Love,
and not in belief systems and definitions and opinions,
that "others" have projected, are projecting, onto us 
to feel better about themselves.

The "Others" have become "the people voices" in our heads,
that keep repeating their stories filled with foolishness and lies, 
that we have been told
to trust and obey by, to survive and be safe.
As they keep up being persistent in telling 
their lies of deception and betrayal and limitations and lacks,
 we may eventually choose to hear them all, 
if and when we choose to own and take responsibility 
for the fact that we have made them ours and by choice live by them.
We have become belief thieves!
All these stories told,
 by the wounded people of our "past", victims of fear and helplessness, 
do their best to hold us back from succeeding,
to keep us in misery, pain, struggle, lacks, limitations, bored, in fear ...
all blocking us from living what we came here to be,
blocking us from seeing and perceiving our dreams materialize.
Not allowing us to live life in FREEDOM,
but being chained to short comings and limitations.
It is our Freedom of Choice:
to choose how we prefer to live the life in physical we were given.
All experiences are choices we have created,
 to learn and understand from who we truly are.
to be able to soar and play 
and be Free!

to be continued ….

with Love and Peace in Joy,

I welcome you also to visit: 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014



Traveling has definitely enriched my life
and not the least transformed me to the core of my being
 throughout all the experiences I have had. 

Have I ever known where I was going??!!

Not once!
… even when I thought I did, I had no clue
what adventures would be provided for me.
I followed my Highest Inspiration,
and had no idea that this was what I was doing,
because I had so many judgements coming at me 
from my root family members,
for choosing my way;
for living the way I was guided to by my spontaneous choices
following my Inspiration in the moment ...
despite all the criticism, I still knew, I had to do what I had to do
even if it meant 
being doomed and resented and judged and rejected and blamed.
The way I perceived my life growing up was 
"damned if I do, damned if I don't,
so I have nothing to loose following my heart's desire."

Family and friends,
 they usually want you to stay and perform your life
the way you have been influenced to by them and
for you to continue to live the way they are used to perceiving you, 
expecting you take the responsibility and continue fulfill
 everybody's wishes and limited dreams for you, whether you like it or not ...
It is a matter of safety for others, that you stay in their box of perception;
when a crab tries to leave the box of confinement 
all the other crabs try to pull it back down 
into their safety of confinement. 
Fears of change, fears that the world as it is known 
can be shattered and redesigned by one person and put everybody else
in a box where the old rules don't apply.
The Renegade,
 breaking the rules and leaving the "safety" as it has been defined,
usually gets blamed for causing pain for the ones "left behind",
that willingly choose the box, 
that is perceived as safe within its 
limitations and lacks and rules of safety.
The boxed in way of Life,
where the belief systems are defining a way of life constricted and 
walled in by fears around survival and fears of death and power over,
with feelings of powerlessness and helplessness.
You may be doomed as the scape goat by other humans ...
 if you dare climb the walls and go for the unknown, 
leaving everybody else behind to themselves.

It all started many decades ago in a small town of Finland
at the time, ca 5.000 people.
Finland, the land of the thousand lakes,
situated between Russia and Sweden …
I was not a happy child, from my point of view, 
I had a difficult time accepting and surrendering 
to all the rules and regulations,
 that I felt haunted me and I felt made me a villain in my own home,
that I was told I had to follow and fulfill.
If I did not, I was reprimanded, which happened all too often.
As a result I remember I used to sit and look up at airplanes
and state to myself "one day I'm going to be up in the skies flying"
I escaped into books, and stories about other cultures,
I red through the shelves in our library …
until I chose to live the stories myself.
I created eyes of the owl,
seeing through the darkness of the night, 
reading when I was supposed to sleep.

My first trip took place when I was around 15-16;
I was singing in the church choir, the only place I was not ridiculed
for wanting to be involved with music, 
(nobody was viewed as good enough to be musical in our family)
and we were invited to
go on an tour to Sweden.
The ship that transported us across the Baltic Sea took ca 4 hrs,
so there was plenty of time to explore.
I met my first real "other culture person".
A guy from India and his friend from Malaysia 
traveling and studying roads in Europe.
Still remember his name, I was excited beyond excitement.

We stayed with families that offered housing and did our tour.
On our last day, we were given free exploration time ...
and out of the blue I and a friend stumbled over our friends 
from the ship, as we were doing downtown Umea and 
 before returning to Finland.
My friends and I decided to explore the city and its outskirts,
we had so much fun, so
my choir friend and I missed the buss to the ship and I was thrilled,
they had left without us.
We took a cab and raced, way passed the speed limits,
to the harbor and arrived sliding on two wheels,
honking and shouting out to get attention. 
 The ship was about 100 yards out already ...
It put in reverse and came back to pick us up and
we were tossed over the reeling to the ship; 
 I still remember the three feet of open water underneath me
… all the decks were packed with travelers watching,
the priest and the choir leader in the forefront thanking God 
for the return of the lost ones, haha, so much fun. 
Felt a little taught shame, but was so excited for the adventure ...
Little did I know I had explored, 
what would be my new home turf for the next three decades to come.

I went to school and trained myself to be a hair stylist,
the closest I could get to being a creative artist and making money
from my skills, accepted by my family and community, 
as having a real job.
I personally saw it as a ticket to freedom …
Everybody's hairs are the same I figured, just different, 
like cultures and people, within the diversity of humanity.
After my graduation I felt very lost for a few weeks …
I was ...
in fear that I would not have the courage to change my life and 
leave the confinement of the box I was born into,
the box I couldn't stand, because of the lack of freedom;
in fear that I would upset the people that were not interested
in who I wanted to be at all, or in any of the things of life,
 that made me smile,
just interested in keeping me within the frames, rules and regulations of 
the life that was known to be all, that was to be expected from life.

After my graduation, that nobody really cared to celebrate, 
I went to our summer house by myself to 
find out if I had the courage and if I could find the direction
in what to do with the rest of my life.
Did I believe I would??!
No, but I had a vague hope and a desire that I would,
I just knew I could not continue the life that I was taught to live,
I knew that if I did it would kill my spirit, possibly my physical self,
I was suffocating from all the obligations of life.
One morning after Summer Solstice I had had enough of my situation,
 I woke up and got dressed and
took my graduation papers and went on the road. 
I put my thumb up in the air and
went into the city to the unemployment agency
and asked them to fax all my papers over to all the cities along 
the coast line of Sweden and I surrendered the results and asked 
the Universe to show me if it was meant to be.
I told nobody, my little secret adventure,
and went back to our Summer house.
One week later my parents came over with a letter.
The letter contained a message,
that told me that I had a job as a manager for a hair salon
outside Umea, Sweden, all housing taken care of.
I was to be 
 stationed and ready to begin my position in three days, 
on the 1st of July.
I guess I had to tell my secret,
and be surrounded by the drama anticipated!
I survived and it just made me more determined 
when I heard the BS,
that had confined me all my life being poured over me.
What had put me down before, now made me stronger and more clear
 in my determination to change my life. 

My New Life,
 my journey designed by my wholesome self started …
In my mind I told myself that I can always return to Finland 
if it is not the life that I dream of or even like ...
For four hours I stood on upper deck of the ship and 
practiced the sounds and intonation of the swedish language, 
I had learned to know through TV, 
to be able to be understood and 
for me to be the best and all that I could be …
starting the next day with an (every day) full calendar of hair clients …
All happened so fast I did not have time to even feel intimidated
by the challenge of managing a 30 year old salon,
by myself, newly graduated, one month prior. 
The graduation that nobody paid attention to 
was life changing for me ...

to be continued …

with Love and Peace in Joy,

I welcome you to also visit: 

Monday, May 5, 2014



When we can grasp this
and accept that we are part of a boundless being
beyond our limited physical perceptions,
beyond anything that we ever perceived as real,

It does not matter what we are experiencing,
mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually …
We are boundless aspects of existence 
or we would not be,
we could not experience what we are, or are not
if it was not part of existence.
Which means all is true on some level of existence.

Existence is neutral …
it is All That Is … All in One ...
we have "compartmentalized" existence 
and given it meaning to be able to have experiences
supported and guided by unconditional boundless Love and Light.
A vibrational frequency of bliss and inclusiveness.
To learn about Love, we had to move away from Love.
The same as in physical when we need to understand an experience,
we need to step away from it to see, perceive it fully.

We did not really "move" anywhere but 
we changed our vibrational frequency, 
away from the perfect harmonies to more distorted ones.
We created a polarity to light … darkness.
We had to forget our origin to be able to perceive being
 exclusive, abandoned, alone, separated ... 
to be able to fully experience the darkness and the emptiness  
of not belonging, not being part of a Wholeness, to be limited in fear
and then to be able to return home again,
to expand into being the True You again ...
to experience a home coming
 realizing we never went anywhere,
we just forgot our who we are, to be able to have a full experience.

The harshness within the illusion of physical matter,
in the darkness, the fears of not belonging,
the terror of being an outsider, not part of existence …
is that all is perceived through tangible experiences.
All the physical pains, emotional pains, mental confusions
from our perception of being separated and not belonging
have become so real to humans,
so now in the process of starting to remember and reconnect
with our origin of boundless Love,
we discover that we are so frightened that we trust 
the illusion that we created more than
the Beauty of being a Being of pure essence of Love.

We are so co-dependent on our perceptions in physical matter,
that we hold on to everything physical
that gives us a (false) sense of safety.
We hold on to the stories that we were told
by beings fully immersed in darkness and fear and limited thinking.
We hold on because that is all we have known to be true,
all that we remember and were told that would keep us safe.
To Let Go and build up the courage to take risks and
choose to believe in our own story of truth,
no matter how crazy it appears
 through the eyes of our physical perceptions
That Is Our Challenge.

If you have paid attention beyond your fears
you can see that step by step, little by little
the stories that we were told and hold on to for life 
are crumbling and challenged to the core to 
help us in Letting Go!
We can't live by stories any more that don't belong to us!
We are faced with not feeling joy and safety in the old stories any more 
and not feeling safe Trusting the unknown self. 
We are challenged to Trust and Believe 
even though we don't see the proof that would make us feel safer.
We are challenged to be courageous and
and Trust the unknown and take risks.
We are challenged to follow our Highest Inspiration
and Trust where it is taking us.

We are Transforming!
 the unknown is becoming known,
shifting darkness into light,
releasing the ghosts and monsters,
 created from living by other people's stories 
made up in fear and from limited thinking and perceptions!
We are taking risks and discovering our own Truths,
and we have no other choice than to Trust the unknown Self,
to Trust beyond the our physical perceptions
beginning to understand that they are not real,
they just provide a form to have an experience through and to learn through 
and to set ourselves Free to Be.

This is a Masterful Graduation,
to dare to be you, to dare to believe before you see!
Celebrate, Enjoy and have Fun …
You are evolving beyond your imagination!

with Love and Peace in Joy,

I welcome you also to visit:

Saturday, May 3, 2014



My Story! 
and my take on our responsibilities towards
 our physical bodies:

our nervous and immune systems are
created to protect us from dangers.
they are guides that want to be heard
so we can stay healthy and strong physically.
most humans tend to silence the body when
instead we need to pay attention to the messages of pain telling us
about imbalances within that keep us away from being 
All That we can Be
that we need to know about.

It is the same as in a business,
the CEO (consciously alert and aware)
observes an imbalance that makes the success of the business
less than it could be.
The overseeing, inter-connected CEO 
calls for a meeting and addresses the issue, the bug, in the system.
(without blame and criticism and pointing fingers)
It might just be some little detail that used to work just fine,
but as the businesses is evolving towards new goals
the old ways slow everything down and
prevents everything and everybody from expanding.
The meeting attendees look at "the bug" from every angle
and all take responsibility to work
individually and together to resolve what needs to be resolved.
The faulty old mechanism is released.
and new ones are replacing the old ones.
All are inclusively part taking and being rewarded in the changes 
to create a new thriving business!


What if "the bug" was ignored and left unattended to,
when the brewing energy of irritation started being noticed
and the rewards went down and down.
What if the CEO just wanted to point finger 
at somebody other that self at fault,
to not have to be responsible for the co-creation of the issue at hand
and left it for the workers to fix it, cover it up (for free).
Usually workers in this kind of company are
in survival mode and too scared to speak up for the  
possibility of being reprimanded and loose their job. 
 The bleeding cut gets covered up, without purification and proper care,
so as time goes by the bugs within the tiny cut start
creating a serious infection and everybody eventually looses their job,
including the arrogant CEO not wanting to 
take responsibility for being a leader of the pack and 
accepting the self reflecting issues 
from the employees and the circumstance in the business.


Our nervous system, the electrical wiring within our bodies, 
I perceive, as the messenger between 
our belief systems, our definitions, our emotions,
our choice of actions and relating,
 reflected through our body and its signals.
Our nervous system
 alerts us when we are in danger and goes into fight and flight mode,
a high alert mode telling us to Pay attention, high stress level!
The opposite to when we live in Peace, 
it chills and does its job scanning for dangers, like a surveillance camera.
Ready to alert the Immune system to collaborate and
take care of the intruding enemies threatening the body's health. 
It is like the alert lights on the dashboard in our cars;
they blink warning signals to us at first, when our vehicle is in
 need of maintenance attention, 
and if we ignore the blinking and
we don't take action, they go full beam to let us know
that it is high time to give some loving attention to our car.
If we ignore that !!
we might have some serious engine breakdown come our way,
that may be very challenging and may take us to a full stop.

Our Immune System 
is like the CEO/ Manager
 of the Maintenance department of our bodies, all in one!
It is created to take care of 
all the dangers, the intruders, the viruses, the imbalances
 floating through our bloodstreams,
 to keep up the cleanliness of our physical health.
When the immune system has a normal work load and it is paid well, 
through our conscious awareness and self love and self care 
making its workload easy and effortless and fun,
 it is able to keep up the good work
and maintain our physical health.

what would happen?! 
to all the doctors and
the medical companies numbing humans down,
if every human individual took responsibility and 
chose to be self reliant ...
 caring for and loving them selves and thus their bodies more??!!

I assume they would have to change how they make their money!
And humans would be the CEOs changing the dynamics
of the medical businesses to serve for the good of humanity,
 instead of numbing down and covering up, 
what needs to be understood by the individual human being.

do you trust nature more than chemicals?!
do you trust chemicals, 
 that numb down and cover up the signals,
that the exquisite mechanical and electrical systems of your body
try to send to you to help you out.

I know that most of us have been brought up to feel powerless
and helpless around our physical health and our bodies.
As soon as we are born we are made co-dependent 
on doctors and nurses, shots and scales and measurements ...
to fit in the "normal healthy box" that somebody designed for us. 
Where did all the organic natural trusting of new life being born go?
I am not condemning all medical,
I'm just saying, it has gone somewhat overboard and viral,
created a global human addiction 
to being fixed and numbed down with pills and shots and radiation,
helplessly experimented on, believing all the stories and statements, 
People love labels, I have this and that, she/he is/has this and that ...
solely to not have to go through the experiences
to learn about the lies we have lived(are living) by and 
get to know our True Selves again;
the beautiful uncovering of our inner light 
from the shadows of darkness that
our spiritual experiences in physical form are all about.

People are getting more scared around their health more than ever,
there are so many more allergies, illnesses, dis-eases 
that our Higher Mind and bodies are using to get our attention.
The more we are detached from our bodies the more scared we get,
we can't change that which we are separated from.
Our immune system is on overtime 
and it is not getting paid 
for all the extra overload of work, that has landed on its plate
through our old way of life.

Our bodies respond to our negative belief systems and definitions,
our negative self talk and disapproval and judgement of
ourselves and our worlds.
We are the greatest danger to our own health!
The nervous and immune systems are alerting us 
that we are the biggest danger for our physical well being.
We have become allergic to ourselves
through living in constant fear and stress!

Many Humans live in fear of survival
(rich or poor doesn't matter)
of not being good enough, feeling powerless, helpless,
needing to live to fit in and be accepted ...
always running for approval and validation from outside;
So humans are working more and more and more and more
working, working out, part taking in every public runway 
that might give a sense of ego validation,
not feeling they can stop and take a breath and rest, 
without loosing something.
and then we have the people, 
thinking they have to sacrifice themselves and their lives 
to take care of everybody else,
"because these people can't care for themselves …
 but I know what is best for them, 
I know them better than they do themselves!"

This is why our immune system is overloaded with work and 
on overdue overtime, not being supported by us, 
as it is trying to keep up the maintenance.
You all know what that feels like when you are overloaded at work,
trying to keep up home chores, and social chores, 
kids, pets obligations, have to(-s), should(-s), lovers etc 
and just want to scream, because there is no time for rejuvenation, 
and you can't see any way out.
The sticky mouse trap, the more you move, the more you get stuck!!

Humans are setting themselves up for breakdowns physically
if we don't change our belief systems, definitions
 and negative self talk and choices from fear and lack of trust
 in All That Is.
I am not saying this to scare or to judge and criticize , 
but to increase the awareness that there is a way out,
if you are unhappy, tired, allergic, over weight, under weight,
not feeling loved, betrayed, deceived, angry, depressed, 
outsider in self pity etc
plain and simple out of balance,
out of alignment with the True You.
Voice the way you have accepted and believe that you have to live
and choose and replace it with your own choice of Life.

Our human nervous system is on high alert for the sense of danger it is 
receiving from our Higher Minds, Higher Selves;
The farther away in frequency we are from our True Selves
the more distance we experience from loving Self, and
 the more we feel lost and abandoned and scared of the unknown. 
The only cover up for this is to stay as busy as possible,
as numbed down as possible
and allow the outside to be the over powering force in our life,
until the immune system collapses trying to munch away all the cells created
by all the hidden negative self talk, distancing us from 
and blocking our True Selves from show up.

It is like living behind locked doors and concrete walls
hearing the pounding and the rhythms of a powerful energy
wanting to enter and give us the life that we have dreamed of …
but we are too scared to even open the doors ...

Re-Connect with your body and listen to what it needs,
rejuvenate and rest and Please,
Don't worry, Be happy …
Everything's going to be alright one step at a time …
You have the Freedom to Choose your Way of Life 
any time and if you so prefer …


with Love and Peace in Joy,

I welcome you to also visit my web and blog: