LIFE … the way I perceive it needs two poles to be alive … like a car battery … without one of the poles, negative or positive, there is no life energy produced.
When we use both poles and connect them through a cable we ignite a spark to start the engine of our vehicle of choice.
Our Life in physical works the same way, but we need to understand the two poles of negative and positive, to be able to CONSCIOUSLY utilize them fully to ignite a quality way of life.
A Fear based life or a Love based life.
We live in a world of Freedom to choose the life we prefer.
We may feel like it is out of reach for us to choose because we feel powerless, we live a role of self victimization and blame life for what we have or not have.
What if?! we could, no matter what the circumstances look like, make it our choice to feel Free or Imprisoned,
Empowered or Powerless.
Would that make a difference of quality of life?
We are just one choice away from the reality we wish to experience!
Often to be able to realize our dream life, we need to face belief systems (that create our state of being), that stop us from reaching our goals, belief systems that we have inherited and taken from others and made ours to keep. Time to let them go! and find our own.
We have lived so long by the rules of survival and scarcity and poverty in fear (rich or poor doesn't matter; poor, you have nothing to loose; rich, you're scared of loosing what you have, same imprisonment from fear) that sometimes it feels impossible to even imagine how to be able to change life into a quality life of abundance.
It is like a sticky mouse trap, the more we move around the more we get stuck, haha.
Our Fear believes are the sticky aspects, Love is the oil that sets us Free!
We are so habitually used to living in fear, that we don't even know how to live not being scared, so when we feel love and peace day after day, we might(!) just start creating a fear reality again so we can feel comfortably scared again.
If we choose a Life different from a perception of "predator - pray" and make peace with our inner fears of Powerlessness, we might just begin to trust a way of Life,
that it is not here to punish and betray us, but here to support us.
Life always is here to provide us with what we need to grow out and away the old ways,
it just doesn't feel that way when we feel attacked by life as a predator.
It is just a matter of perception nothing else!
Remember that Life is just a mirror of Our Personal Inner State of Being!
This is why, when one person tells a story in front of ten people and when the story is quoted, the story has become ten different stories.
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