Thursday, February 27, 2014


Do we experience pull - push sensations
this first month of the Chinese Horse year??!!
It feels like the Horse is standing on its rear hooves,
balancing and kicking with its front legs in the air,
 while I am desperately clinging on to its mane
to not be left behind when it takes off.

The New Moon coming up with both Moon and Sun 
in Pisces and planets left and right 
shifting into forward motion and inward motion
makes me feel as if there are 
four different universal vacuum cleaners, 
two sucking my energy inwards and 
two giving me a big push in the back
for forward motion.

You can all imagine what that feels like.
I feel like my whole system is breathing in and out 
in a universal powerful creative way of
Letting Go and Inviting in.
It is like being in total synch with
the united breath of All That Is!

The 4 Planets I am talking about
are Mercury and Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

Mercury; the communicator related to everything that 
keeps us all connected
through thoughts, words, writing, phones, computers etc
turning direct tomorrow Friday the 28th, 
to help us bring out the inner clarity of communications,
that we have become aware of during the 3 weeks of 
retrograde (inner chit chat) that we've had this month. 

Mars; goes retrograde on the 1st of March, 
maybe in support for us to find a direction of our
self expressions or renew the ones we already love.
It all starts within so an inwards journey finding
out where we really want to focus our intention,
might be what is in front of us,
Writing new wows with our selves … 

Saturn; our beautiful teacher of lacks and limitations, 
safety and security
turns retrograde on March 3.
Helping us take another look within at our belief systems,
that paint the picture in our heads,
 what is possible and impossible in relation to what 
we dream about and would love to materialize
in our world of choice.
Saturn is tough if we resist to let go of our negative believes.
Also if we want to rush ahead and not deal with 
our shortcomings that are blocking our path.
Saturn rules Capricorn and we know how 
persistent the goats are climbing up vertical mountain walls.
We have to do our inner work to know,
 where to put our hooves down to not loose our balance
in the much faster pace of evolution that we are facing.

Jupiter; the expander, turns (finally)
direct (in Cancer) again on March 6,
where it has been swimming around (with backwards strokes)
for months and months in an inwards swim.
For us to really learn about our emotional relationships within and
 with the life that we have chosen, or wish to choose.
What we have found out about our emotional dream state
we know have a chance to expand out into our external life.

While all this is taking place 
the South Node - North Node axel 
has shifted signs (as the Sun entered Pisces)
into Aries - Libra.
Supports and reflects our redefining of our I AM
self expression (Aries ruled by Mars) …
while the North Node (spiritual Soul purpose) 
in Libra (Venus ruled)
brings out partner ships - new ones - old ones, fairness,
business, balance to the forefront. 

I dare say!
Challenging taboo! but exciting at the same time!

I use astrology as a reflection rather than something that 
rules my life, the same way I work with Tarot readings.

Nothing is stated as a fact of future any more!
Our Free Will of Choice is so much more 
instant and powerful these days.

We are entering the Unknown on a deeper level every day!
and are challenged to choose and live from our 
Highest Excitement and Inspiration
in every choice we make!

is pivotal, without seeing the results in physical!
in our Dreams without a single doubt is profoundly pivotal!
is critical, clearing our path from old clutter and distractions!
to be able to strengthen our intentions is important!


w Love and Peace, Morayah 


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