Friday, January 29, 2016


To be able to make changes in our world
we need to change 
what we believe to be true 
and what we're expecting to see, first.
We need to smile,
before the mirror can reflect the smile back to us.

 Earth and physical matter and how we create it 
is pure and simple physics.
What we send out, 
is what is returned back to sender.
We tend to put our return address on outgoing mail
so we can get an accurate response back ...
we don't want our mail 
to end up in someone else's mailbox.

What we give out (resonance) is
 what our Universe is unconditionally gifting back ...
What we believe to be true is what we will see(perceive)
This equation is universal and we can define it
in an infinite number of ways, but it always comes down to 
belief X+related feeling = our perceived reality

Our Earth reality perceptions
reveal a definition of a beginning and ending to all matter,
to be able to realize energy 
into different forms and shapes.
On a car we have a trunk and a hood,
a top and a bottom of the body.
We create a form we want from the infinite energy we are.

What is the purpose and how do we create this?,
and what are the hidden skills and tools we are given
that we are seeking to remember again, 
each one of us,
in our own different ways 
seen from different points of views.

Understanding this is and has been my passion 
as long as I can remember.
Quite an ongoing and shifting and changing journey.

It has always been 
one of my strongest motivations to assist me and boost me
to go on and never give up 
from the darkest of hours of feeling lost
to the brightest hours of feeling Happy. 

My thoughts have always been ...
if I can understand and know this 
in every cell of my physical being I can 
graduate myself and leave this reality of
self diminishing circumstances and unhappiness behind
and move forward and upwards ...
The higher I reach, the more tuned in I am ... 
the more there is to let go of and 
the more simple and peaceful life is becoming.

I have learned and know 
that I personally can't fully change anything 
in my life, 
if I don't understand and know the mechanics 
how I created it in the first place 
so I can undo and create anew what i want,
in co-creation with my Universe.

When we don't know why/how we choose 
the life we have chosen to explore,
we feel more or less helpless and 
want to blame our helplessness and fear on someone else;
we feel we have no options that work
 to deliberately choose another way, 
that we prefer to experience instead.

We are the remotes that connect us to all channels,
but if we don't know how the channels and network 
work together ...
 we won't know 
how to get to the channel we prefer.

Life is Not happening to us !,
we are creating it 
from the feeling state of being our beliefs make us feel. 

We are energy manifested into matter.
The energy that we are is in its purity neutral,
so to be able to create a life experience (of polarities)
on Earth we need to charge the energy that we are
from two main perspectives of polarities
positive or negative ...
one expands the other contracts;
love or fear, 
peace or war,
right or wrong, 
rich or poor,
healthy or sick,
beginning or ending,
life or death, etc

Without the polarities I can't perceive(today :-)
there can be no form nor matter in physical.
Outside our physical perception of matter
I don't see life or death the way we perceive it on Earth,
I see mere existence and since we all exist,
we are all part of All That Is.

I often hear from people ... 
if I only could see it, it would be easier to believe it !

What we Believe we shall see!

Innovative people don't look inside the box 
that is already created,
to create our desired new reality,
we need to push down the walls we were provided and
imagine our creation beyond what we already know and see.

We get stuck and disappointed 
on the same old side of the fence, 
when we hold onto a need for proof
from the outside world, 
to validate the change we want to see,
we ourselves choose to be that change.

Our beliefs and definitions of Life
are part of our invisible aspects (in physical) of self,
like the air we breathe ...
we know it exists, so we live in complete trust,
even the people who have respiratory challenges 
trust that the air is there, when they finally are able to breathe.
Not a flicker of a doubt!
Nobody ever told us to believe that there is no air,
so we firmly rely on "the fact" that it exists 
even though we cannot see it.

Beliefs and thoughts work some what the same way ...

When we firmly believe in 
lacks and limitations,
fear and powerlessness, 
betrayals and deception,
guilt and shame,
fighting and war,
judgment and punishment, etc
That is what we will see ...
which will make 
our senses and nervous system go bonkers, 
station themselves in alert
and fight and flight mode,
we forget to breathe and slow our cleansing system down ...
creating resistance and stress and toxic build ups in the body.
These are all 
Defense mechanisms for assumed danger.

Our physical state of being 
is doing its best to get our attention 
by manifesting/realizing our beliefs
within our physical reality, 
with the help of the experiences we choose to have.
Self fulfilling prophecies  ...
but as long as we feel dis-connected to life and love, 
we are also disconnected to our own participation so
we assume we're being "punished." 

So what it mainly comes down to is this ... 
what we believe to be the truth 
will always manifest itself 
in our bodies as well as in our outside world,
to reflect back to us and to confirm 
our stolen belief systems,  
so we can see them and feel what they are doing to us,
so we can change and shift and replace them and 
have a new reality perception if we so choose.

We cannot change what we don't accept as ours.
Pointing finger at the mirror is wasting energy,
when what it does is only reflect back
what we feel inside.
 the reflection doesn't change
until we change what we believe to be true 
that makes us experience what we experience.

Our feelings are our guides ...

take us on a nonsensical journey home to our own Truth.
This journey is Divinely organized
as we allow ourselves to whole heartily follow 
our highest passion and inspiration,
peacefully in faith and complete trust,
 that we know,
 where we're going without proof.

Feel Bad Choices
move us away from our True Self 
back into the dungeon of darkness 
following somebody else's rules ...
to learn more about living in fear and segregation.

All choices need to be embraced and loved,
one expands <> the other contracts,
thats all it is.

Sometimes we need to know more about 
contraction and darkness and the beliefs that keep us there
to be able to take the leap
onto the Free Way Home to Self. 

The Darkness is always the backdrop to the Light
 and vise verse.
The Darker and Shadier our reality seem
the Brighter and Lighter experiences await. 

with Peace and Love in Perfect Harmony,

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