Many of us are more
aware and sensitive to these shifting energies
than others are, so we pay more attention
to possible shifts that could happen in our lives
and what areas we can use, what we sense is aiding us.
Where attention goes energy flows.
Change is constant;
happening more or less for all people,
but I would assume that it is more noticed by
those of us who are
consciously focusing on the shifting energies
and choosing to work with them and
change those areas of our lives,
that don't serve us any longer
and don't allow us to expand into our dream lives.
Most humans want their lives to change,
but would prefer not to change themselves.
We keep running around in our everyday life
thinking about our life and what we don't like about it,
so without consciously being aware
we send out requests for change (subconsciously.)
All is good and well while all the necessary details
for our changes are worked out behind the scenes,
while we are running around in our hamster wheels,
doing the same things day in and day out,
and really don't pay attention to the changes we could do
to consciously begin to change the aspects and belief systems,
that really
are draining us and where we waste our energy.
It is our innately lazy human nature ...
and our fear of discovering the lies that
are making us live the way we live ...
we run around inside the boxes of what we know
out of fear and working hard(!) to make a living to survive,
avoiding the big leaps of faith into the unknown.
Being stressed and going going going all the time
creates a reality where
we don't really have time to pay attention to our senses
to know when big changes are
coming closer and closer ...
We may sense subtle feeling sensations,
like before the first snow,
but we have made our hamster wheels of life spin
so fast so we ignore the signs to not interrupt the speed.
If we would pay attention we would feel a shift in energy,
the same way we can sense,
when from one day to another
the change of season is on our doorstep.
We can smell the first fall in the air,
we can see the clouds shifting from summer-fall clouds
to winter clouds ...
Life changes happen the same way ...
sometimes subtle shifts,
other times complete break downs of old structures.
When changes are moving through our lives
like raging flash floods and taking us by surprise,
we tend to forget that we have asked for these changes
during a long time.
We always receive what we ask for!
When we ask for big changes out in the world
it always starts with ourselves.
We cannot change anyone else,
we can only change ourselves.
What we perceive from our outside world
holds the same resonance as we do ourselves,
so pointing finger and blaming the outside
for our inner pain is pointless.
We cannot change what we don't know and own,
so the peaceful love filled changes we wanted
always bring to our awareness,
what is not so peaceful in our minds.
We first receive what we need,
typically self diminishing belief systems,
that hold us back and don't allow us to grow and evolve.
Belief systems that tell us not to believe in ourselves.
This week is a turning point;
it feels like a very big intersection
where we want to know what direction we want to take.
We can choose to LET GO of
NOT believing in our own Truth,
NOT believing in our own Dreams,
NOT believing in Love ...
We can choose to turn onto the FREEway,
that will take us straight to new ideas and new possibilities
to realize the Life and the Love that we want.
Trusting and allowing ourselves to be
more and more of all that we can be.
It is Time for us Humans
to be Happy and Enjoy Life
and Love being who we are
without judgement and criticism.
Believe in You!
and You will see more of You
every moment of every day!
with Love and Peace in perfect Harmony,
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