Sunday, July 19, 2015


I over-heard an interesting comment
from a stranger the other week and 
loved the message in it ...

"When we feel guilty, 
there is something good in it for us,
related to our True Path ... 
  Go For It ...!!!"

We have been trained to believe
that we are guilty of wrong doing,
that we egoistic / selfish
 if we follow our own desires and dreams!

Entering our earth experiences
we were given a gift of assistance
through feeling sensations of guilt 
to guide us in knowing "right from wrong" personally,
so we would learn how to
 stay on our own sacred path of experiences and themes.

What happened with these feelings of guilt
was that they ended up being used as  "tools"
for manipulation to make us deplete ourselves 
in self sacrifice and focus on the outside, rather than
follow our own inner passion and dreams.
We learned to obey by comments like
"shame on You ...!"
"You are guilty of ...!"
" You need to be punished ...!"
expressed by self-righteous (scared to be wrong)
and judgmental humans needing to be in control.

Most often we have accepted 
these programs and games of "rights and wrongs" 
created and decided by others,
 as real and self-limiting rules of life.
Victim consciousness trying to survive by pleasing.

As soon as we, 
as young ones chose an experience to learn from, 
to understand cause and effect,
that others did not approve of out of fear,
we were judged and made feel guilty and 
were labelled as wrong doers.
All in good faith, derived
from inherited beliefs and definitions of living in fear.

How can we grow and evolve if don't have experiences
and are allowed to "judge for ourselves"
 what is right or wrong for us,
without other humans getting involved 
with their self-righteousness and 
pretentious self importance?!
This is where we all ended up living backwards ...

Most of us feel guilty 
when we do things for ourselves,
when we dare to follow our own inner guidance,
and thus many of us tend to leave our own desires and
move out from our own hearts and 
instead follow what others want us to do and be,
so all the others get a chance 
"to be happy and feel important."

We turn into working "bank accounts" of energy;
always spending, 
wasting our precious energy to fulfill other people's needs.
The Consequence to this sacrifice is
if something goes wrong, according to the other person's opinion,
 we end up being the guilty ones.
In our efforts to Please and 
Earn to be Loved and Validated
we take away the other person's birth right to learn
through his/her choices!

Plain and simple this teaches us  
"to live! and let live!" 
We don't really know what others need for their growth,
so when we project onto them what we ourselves would like,
we get blamed and made the cause of "the problem unfolding."

When we Love another the way we want to be Loved ...
we tend to forget to
 Love them the way they want to be Loved!

We cannot really Love another before 
We Know How to Love Ourselves.

Don't put demands on others to Love You,
before You know How to Love YourSelf 
without judgement!

Don't Judge other People's Dreams
if You don't allow Yourself to Live Your Own Dreams!

Love and Know Thyself Unconditionally!
then the rest takes care of itself ...

with Love and Peace in harmony,

Friday, July 17, 2015


Learning that ALL CHANGES start within
has been profound for all of us
 in learning to shift the realities we are perceiving;
whether they look different or not
to our physical eye of logic and reasoning,
looking at life from a linear time perspective.
Circumstances don't matter ...
Your State of Being Matters!

We have learned ...
about the delusion of perception 
that our physical eye can provide us,
if we keep relying on our outside "reality" 
to guide us with its smoky and scary mirrors.
We have learned ...
to own and be responsible
 for what we perceive through what we experience,
rather than blame and point fingers at the mirrors,
merely playing out our state of being 
on our own personal movie screens, 
to be able to change and shift the actors and the staging,
when we don't like what is taking place before our eyes.

We have learned to not waste our precious time
 trying to change our appearance cleaning the mirrors
the mornings we wake up frowning and 
and discover we are having a bad hair day ... 

We have learned ...
when we point finger at the mirrors 
we solely point finger at ourselves!
What we perceive is 
what we believe and define ourselves and Life to be  ...

We know,
There is no outside only our inside reflected!

We know, 
that there is solely one existing neutral energy, 
one All That Is;
experiencing itself in physical form on Earth
from an infinite number of diverse multidimensional perspectives
 to be explored on the deepest of levels
for All That Is to know Itself more! 

We know,
that we are a sacred part of this energy,
no matter what label we choose to give our existence,
whatever we choose to call the artist, the creator 
and the artistry created.

We know now,
that the only way we can have an experience in physical
is through our belief systems and definitions
allowing us to feel and experience.

We know,
that without our belief systems and definitions
there are no feelings to be felt.
To be able to feel,
we need to believe and define something to be true!

The same way as when we hear a foreign language ...
We have no emotional relation to what we hear;
 no beliefs or definitions 
to charge and help us in having an emotional reaction 
to what is expressed ... 
What we hear are
plain letters, syllables, words, sentences, stories ...
sounds without meaning ...
until somebody translates it into a language we know
and our belief systems and definitions, validations, 
inherited and learned,
are kicking in and we interpret the stories told
with our innate inner knowing,
whether it be our own or 
through our trained and taught cultural domestic knowing.


We know,
that without knowing our True Personal Self,
that we are behind all the beliefs and definitions
that we inherited and were taught to live and be validated by,
we will spinn around in the same spirals of life perception,
living and thriving ... 
blindfolded, blaming and pointing finger at the mirrors,
reflecting our State of Being.

We have learned 
the sacred purpose for these dense filters,
 that we were given to live by,
distorting our perception of all the personal movies
 about ourselves and our Earth reality experiences.
Without these filters of beliefs and definitions of being unloved,
we would not have been able to experience any of the ideas of 
segregation, survival,
 fear of not belonging, power over and under and
living the idea of being outcasts 
struggling and trying to make it through life
on our own in the nightmares of betrayal and deception.
We would not have been able to 
convince ourselves that there is nothing beyond the physical life
our physical eyes can see;
we would not have been able to believe firmly that
after this physical life there is only death and nothing but darkness ...
not realizing that our earth life experiences (for aeons)
are and have been the bottomless darkness we fear, have feared ...
as we have been living in the illusion of being disconnected from
and not worthy of being and belonging to
 the Infinite Love that we are made of ....

how they have distorted our perception for a Sacred Purpose
we can also remove them ...

like removing and changing and shifting 
the filters and the lenses on a camera to consciously
be able to experience what we prefer and desire!

When we choose with our conscious awareness, 
because we know Who We Truly Are behind the Camera,
we get to experience and learn from what we prefer 
without judgement!
Create Your Own Movie on Earth 
as a Spiritual Consciousness in Physical Form ...

with Love and Peace in Harmony,

also visit ...
www.santafespirit with