Holding onto expectations
of how we believe our world
or a person or people in general
should behave to be perfect,
in our eyes of perception,
is pretty much holding on to a need of being in control
of our world the way we know it,
our safe box created by a linear time perception
and structures of lacks and limitation
to survive in the legacy of perception we inherited.
Most of us are scared to oblivion of
giving up the illusion of being in control.
Holding onto the idea of control with our fingers and nails
believing that it will protect us
from our fears of not being in control or loved,
is the greatest delusion ever.
When we live in a belief system that there are
limited Love and Wealth and Health resources for us
in our world, we hang onto what have
scared of letting it go and end up in destitution
not being able to create it again if we loose it.
Same behavior whether people are poor or rich.
Have you ever been in a love relationship
scared of loosing your partner to someone else?!?
What happens within you??
We get scared and develop paranoia and
start looking for signs of loss ...
We stop communicating and loving freely, always
alert to any signs of betrayal or deception or lies ...
Our world becomes smaller and smaller,
because we believe we need to keep track of everything
to stay safe and in control to be able to keep what we have.
We live by rules and regulations created by
paranoia and fear, believing that we are at the mercy
of a Power outside us that we need to figure out
to be in control.
Thus we make ourselves smaller and smaller
to not be seen or heard
working behind the scenes to figure it out.
People living with a need for control
live in a very powerless contracting perception of reality
and will eventually loose control indefinitely.
We cannot control life and
expand and evolve and grow
at the same time ...
we need to let go of our need for control
and allow Life to show us the way
if we wish to evolve as a human raise.
To be able to be in control of our circumstances
they need to be scanned at all times
to give us a false sense of control.
Imagine the energy resources wasted on
useless need for control ...
exhausting and depleting ourselves taboo.
Living in fear and need for control,
be it humans, businesses, communities and so on ...
creates more and more controlling rules,
that stop the opportunities for growth and evolution
from being seen.
The paranoia blindfolds us so we can't see
the beauty and the abundance in our Universe.
From my own experience
I have learned that the more I hold onto an idea of life
the more it hurts when it leaves ...
We are surrounded by an abundance of Love,
we are made out of unconditional Love
we have the Freedom to choose
to live in fear or love,
every moment to moment to moment ...
we have the Freedom to choose to
let go of control or hold onto control,
every moment to moment to moment ...
for the mere idea of having an experience.
It All comes down to ...
what we Believe to be True!?
where we choose to invest our Trust?!
If we choose to doubt our Dreams
If we choose to Doubt the Beliefs that tell us
our Dreams are not realistic?
Which is Your Preference???
Blossom or Dry out ...
with Love and Peace in Harmony,
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