If that makes any sense for you??!
I don't follow the planetary shifts and changes,
but I am definitely
aware of the planetary impacts on
what I am sensing and experiencing
in my physical Life.
I don't even have to know that something has shifted astrologically
to feel and sense the influences.
If I wish to confirm what Im picking up to myself
I just pull out
one of my Tarot (Oracle) Decks
or look at some astrological transits,
and I receive a confirmation of the influences,
that I sensed already.
Finally after last month,
including after the entire Fall,
digging around in my own personal swamp lands
of belief systems,
I had hoped it was over ... at least a little,
so that I could start focusing on something
more touchable, more productive and creative,
something new and different.
I felt that I was totally fed up with
being a recluse introvert digging around in the fear swamps,
(fears only appear when we live a lie that is not ours, messengers)
discovering more and more,
that I live and had lived my entire life
guided by inner belief systems that
kept me in my own fear rut of life with
the samo, samo themes,
even if I had definitely changed
big chunks of my perceptions of Life previously.
Sometimes the statement "there is always more to be found"
is exhausting.
My passion in life has always been
understanding myself and my choices,
My fear of my own fears,
(as a little one I was always punished when I felt fear
resulted in a deep fear for fear)
just stopped me from taking the fast ride
down into my personal dark basements
below my visibly perceived "dark n cold basements."
It felt as if the underworld ruled by the underdog,
suddenly showed me an infinite number of
swamps below the basements down under.
These swamp lands that I experienced recently felt different,
like diving into the collective swamps not only my own (inclusive).
To not go into the the details
of my experiences,
there is just one word,
It is a journey I did out of my own free will and out of curiosity,
but a journey I hope was my last to that depth down under, haha ...
I definitely lost the fear of my fears,
and found infinite understanding of my darkness,
and discovered (and still is) much wisdom of myself and
most important, i know what is definitely not me ...
The grandest rewards of this deep Soul Search …
That experience makes this challenge and next and next
so much easier, because of all the tools
I acquired and can use again and again and
be able to focus on other aspects of the clearing of the BS
that I have kept so near and dear to my heart.
Like my Life depended on it.
I believe this is why we have such a hard time letting go,
because "our lives have depended on them" for a long long time,
ALL the belief systems that we have lived by.
Doesn't matter that they are lies,
we still trusted them with our survival and lives.
All our relationships,
with others and ourselves
(that's the order we have had them),
have been backwards.
All our Dreams and our jobs
working hard for survival
to support "the smart people's" Dreams.
All the segregations, separations, me and them believes,
not owning even our own feelings and reactions,
blaming them on all and everyone and everything
outside us.
We have given away our innate power,
our birthright to choose how to live and realize our dreams
to the lie that we are exclusive and separated.
The old Orion structures of Power over,
implemented into the structures of
Predator - Prey lifestyles.
Validating life and all of us in it according to the rules of
more valuable versus worthless …
Money getting the blame for peoples negative belief systems,
powerlessness, and poverty mindsets.
So most of us have only lived by the "truth" of
judgement and criticism, guilt and shame
better or worse, black and white etc
Most of our choices have been made
based on fear of not being good enough,
not being inclusive.
We all learned early on that we needed an infinite
number of masks to convince our chosen surroundings
that we belonged.
Living by the rules based on (self) lies
to just to fit in,
look the right way, be the right way,
dress the right appropriate way,
have the right style,
talk the right way, say the right things,
please and kiss butt … it goes on and on and on and on …
just to be included somewhere
and accepted is the most
Powerful Betrayal and Deception towards ourselves.
I believe that Happy people live Happy lives
and the only way to find that Happy way of Life
is to search within for the truth about Self ...
Look at humanity …
How many people live truly their own True Selves?!?
Who made up the rules how we should live?
and Who accepted the rules and
what happened to those who did not?!?
I am not saying what people should do or not do ...
I just think that we would be much happier and
much more successful and fulfilled and creatively productive,
if we chose to live our own Truth
and Live our own Dreams,
to the best of our ability.
One Way to find that Freeway is to follow
our Highest Inspiration
and pray for help and guidance and
We don't have to be better ever,
but we could be more if we so choose ...
with Love and Peace,