The only way
we can make ourselves Happy is
to choose from our heart ...
but ourselves can make us happy!
what does that mean?,
how do we do that?,
many ask these questions when faced with
the happy or unhappy choices in life.
We have been influenced to look to the outside
to choose the way we live
rather than to follow the passion in our own hearts.
There is only one compass,
in the way I view Life,
that points to the Happy Destination within.
The one and only
compass pointer that guides us to
where we feel Happy!
All our physical Life Experiences
are created by the choices we make.
All the choices we choose to make,
we choose from what we believe to be the Truth,
from what we believe(!) to be the best way for us,
whether it makes us happy or unhappy.
We were all trained
by the environment we grew up in,
by our specific culture, and the people in it
to make choices
according to what had been the way for eons.
What was believed to be the Truth to survive.
Most of the time,
what made us feel happy and excited as young ones
was considered Dangerous or just plain Wrong,
so we gradually learned to choose
by looking to the outside for
parental approval,
teacher's approval,
society's approval,
friends' approval,
partner's approval etc
Like in a
"ritualistic trial and error test,"
we grew up being trained with and
through methods of
judgment and punishment = the red light
for wrong behavior
subtle signs of approval,
like a smile accompanied by a nodding head,
thumbs up,
a warm hug for good behavior = the green light,
all different signs letting us know,
when we had made a good choice
comfortable to and liked by the outside ...
or a wrong choice that didn't comply with the rules
we were demanded and expected to follow.
We all wanted to be loved as little / young people
so the methods of reward and punishment, and
of trial and error worked,
to make us silence the voice of Love and adventure within,
and instead make us look to the outside first
before we made (make) our choices.
We were brought up to believe that other people
know more what is best for us,
than we know ourselves.
The main reason why people today listen to
media and other people to find out,
what is right and what is wrong with or for them,
rather then to trust the feelings within.
Disconnected from their bodies and
the feeling sensations that are moving through
for every choice we make like water
flowing in a river,
all ranging from raging to peaceful ...
The Majority of us Humans are
still looking for validation from the outside
to know how to be or how to react and what to choose.
The Inner Compass
that I am training myself to follow,
a constant learning process,
is the one rewarded only by the feeling sensations
in my own body ...
I Feel Good vs I Feel Bad.
If the North Star Pointer signals
Good Feelings in my body when choosing = Yes!
If the Pointer on the other hand signals
a Bad Feeling in my body,
feelings of discomfort, contraction,
tightness, hesitation it is a definite = No!
Sometimes it might just be a timing thing
when I hesitate, or I might be facing a situation
where I was trained to choose one way,
but in my heart of passion
I want to choose a completely different road.
I am probably facing an inner conflict,
of what I should choose vs what I want to choose ...
still holding onto
belief systems founded in the root family,
still seeing my life through other people's eyes and beliefs,
what is right and wrong for me,
belief systems that need
to be reviewed and recognized and released.
My Life is
so much Easier and so much Happier
since I decided to develop this Inner Compass of mine.
Sometimes it doesn't make sense at all,
from a linear perspective, and
definitely not from a logic and reasoning perspective.
my one and only goal with my life is to live
Happily ever after and make the most out of it,
to the best of my ability,
as long as I am here having this physical experience on Earth.
The only way I have learned
to make myself Happy,
and radiate Happiness in my world,
is to follow my own heart
and not to ask the outside for permission
how to be me.
Nobody else knows how to be me,
so it is my responsibility
to live me the best way I can.
The same way goes for
You and You and You!
We each have
Our Own Divine Design
to share on Earth and
no one else can teach us how to be and develop
this Design but our Inner Self.
Love All That Your Are!
Choose what You want to Keep and Expand
and Let the rest Go!
with Love and Peace in Perfect Harmony,